Curtain at 8 (1983)

Venue : Earlswood Village Hall

Date : July 1983

Genre : One Act Play(s)


Val Archer

Val Archer


Paulette Barton
Mrs Mabel Masters

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Jane Henney
Mrs Evans

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Carolyn Chance
Miss Trimble

Andy Cummings
Mr Price

Sue Chance
Mrs Hillman

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Sheila Watkins
Nurse Prosser

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Ros Sheppard
The Sister

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Heather Maceanruig
Nurse Stephens

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Jane Shepherd
Mrs Lambert-Perkins

Jane Wilkes

Mike Thomas
Mr Hunter

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Jeff Daffin
Robert Williams

Peter Webber
Dr Banks

Beryl Linforth
Sister Pauline

Irene Price
Dr Ellis

Estelle Shutkever
Reverend Mother

Maxine Robson
Janet Logan

Angela Smith
Councillor Mrs Owen, JP

Beryl Linforth
Sister Pauline

Irene Price
Dr. Ellis

Estelle Shutkever
Reverend Mother

Maxine Robson
Janet Logan

Angela Smith
Councillor Mrs. Owen, JP

Val Archer

Val Archer
Allsorts/Mixed Nuts

Jack Parramore
Allsorts/Mixed Nuts

Estelle Shutkever
Allsorts/Mixed Nuts


Bob Aldridge
Stage Manager

Barbara Clulee
Assistant Stage Manager

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Dot Forth
Assistant Stage Manager

Ken Gibbons
Assistant Stage Manager

Linda Hutton

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Val Thomas

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John Derry


Bob Aldridge
Stage Manager

Barbara Clulee
Assistant Stage Manager

Dot Forth
Assistant Stage Manager

Ken Gibbons
Assistant Stage Manager

Linda Hutton

Val Thomas

John Derry

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

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The drama group presented the one-act plays 'The Out Patients' (by Margaret Wood) and Untimely Ripp'd. Gerry Soloman directed the first play and Val Archer the second. These productions were repeated in 1984 but the casting and further detail is not available in the archives.