Brush With A Body

Venue : Woodrush High School

Date : November 1970

Genre : Comedy Thriller


Frank Winter


Pam Davey
Sarah Walling

Pauline Hollins
Cynthia Walling

Gerry Smith
Mr Flaherty

Sybil Parr
Mrs D’Arcy

Jack Parramore
Henry Walling

David Hill
Paul Martel

Val Evans
Sybil Walling

Ivan Castle
Det Inspector Hardy

Bob Aldridge
Sergeant Bray

Val Archer

Val Archer
Rosita Hernandez

no profile image

Jennifer Willing
The Hon Pamula Colefax


Roger Booth
Stage Manager

Jean Winter

Ken Gibbons
Set Design

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George Cope


Roger Booth
Stage Manager

Jean Winter

Ken Gibbons
Set Design

George Cope

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

Laughs from 'Brush with a body'.

The Walling family's skeleton was no in the cupboard, but up the chimney, and its discovery in the first act of Wythall Dramatic Society's presentation last week of "Brush with a Body" soon had the audience enjoying the first of many good laughs in Maurice McLoughlin's comedy thriller.

Frank Winter's production of the play, his first for the society, was lively. The obvious enjoyment of the audience must have mad up for the difficulties experienced by the producer and cast in putting on the play at short notice after the unavoidable postponement of "Blithe Spirit".

The set was not quite up to the usual standard of the society but this must be put down to difficulties due to the shortage of time. "They were painting the set around us at the dress rehearsal," said producer Frank Winter, but the play more than mad up for this.

The role of the over friendly Irish chimney sweep, Mr. Flaherty was played with suitable whimsy by Gerry Smith, while Pauline Hollins was well cast as school teacher Cynthia Walling. Pam Davey was convincing as the younger sister, Sarah, and Jack Parramore really made the most of his part as the girl's psychiatrist brother.

The mother was played with a delightfully cool humour by Val Evans. Val Archer played the part of the amorous Rosita colourfully, and Ivan Castle and Bob Aldridge were stoically solemn as the two detectives.

Suitable snobby as the Hon. Pamela Colefax, Jennifer Willing made her appearance in the last act. Bustling briskly, but briefly through the whole play was Sybil Parr as the nosey family housekeeper, who got a laugh each time she entered.

Unknown, Redditch Indicator