Happiest Days of Your Life (1983)

Venue : Woodrush High School

Date : October 1983

Genre : Comedy


Ted Pedvin

Gerry Solomon
Assistant Director


Peter Webber
Dick Tassell

Ken Gibbons

Mike Thomas
Rupert Billings

Jack Parramore
Godfrey Pond

Estelle Shutkever
Miss Evelyn Whitchurch

Val Archer

Val Archer
Miss Gossage

Andy Cummings
Hopcroft Mi

Sue Chance
Barbara Cahoun

Beryl Linforth
Joyce Harper

Alan Langford
The Rev

Jane Wilkes
Mrs Peck

John Cope
Edgar Sowter

Paulette Barton
Mrs Sowter


Gerry Smith
Stage Manager

Ann Cope
Assistant Stage Manager

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Jeff Daffin
Assistant Stage Manager

Maxine Robson

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Val Thomas

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Sheila Watkins

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John Derry

Angela Smith
Front of House

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Dot Forth
Front of House

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Walter Price
Front of House


Gerry Smith
Stage Manager

Ann Cope
Assistant Stage Manager

Jeff Daffin
Assistant Stage Manager

Maxine Robson

Val Thomas

Sheila Watkins

John Derry

Angela Smith
Front of House

Dot Forth
Front of House

Walter Price
Front of House

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

Special Siver Comedy

The Wythall Dramatic Society are celebrating their 25th anniversary this year with a special production of "The Happiest Days of Your Life" this month. This witty comedy was performed by the group 16 years ago and founder member Ted Pedvin is returning specially to produce this production.

The play runs from October 27-29 at the Woodrush School and a special anniversary after the last night will bring together former members of the Society.

Unknown, The Indicator, 13th October 1983

Twenty-five successful years...

Twenty-five successful years for Wythall Dramatic Society were celebrated with its Silver Jubilee production of John Dighton's 'Happiest Days of your Life' and this proved a most fitting choice for these very able players as they are always at their best in comedy.

The society has attracted a number of additional members recently so new names appeared in the cast along with many well-established favourites.

'First night nerves' showed a little in the opening moments of the play but all soon settled down into the swing of the performance and the story-line, of a boy's school on which a girl's establishment had been accidentally billeted, skimmed along at a cracking pace with laughs coming thick and fast as each hilarious situation developed.

Jack Parramore, Peter Webber and Mike Thomas were excellent as the headmaster and his assistants respectively while other leading roles were handles with their customary expertise by 'regular stalwarts' Estelle Shutkever and Val Archer.

Every member of the supporting cast gave of his or her best and worked with a co-ordination worthy of any professional company.

If any criticism at all could be levelled, it was that in the final scene where all the players were on stage together, the action and dialogue became somewhat confused. Even so, the play was first-class entertainment and a tribute to its producer Ted Pedvin - one of the original members of the society who had come back from 'retirement' for the Jubilee occasion.

P.K.S., Local Newspaper 1983