Low Comedy Women

Venue : Redditch Palace Theatre

Date : June 1985

Genre : Play



Jack Parramore
Harry Forty, a man

Estelle Shutkever
Emma Forty, his wife

Angela Smith
Granny One, his mother

Val Archer

Val Archer
Effie One-six-eight, a friend

Maxine Robson
Yvonne Vingt-en-Une


Gerry Smith
Stage Manager

Ted Pedvin

Alan Langford
House Manager


Gerry Smith
Stage Manager

Ted Pedvin

Alan Langford
House Manager

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

Festival Review

Low Comedy Women was performed at two festivals in 1985. From June 5 to 15 it was part of the Redditch One-Act Play Festival at the Palace Theatre.

On June 22 1985 was also performed at Arden Hall, Water Orten Road as part of the Castle Bromwich Theatre Group Drama Festival. The adjudication of that performance is shown below:

Castle Bromwich Theatre Group. Drama Festival 1985
At Arden Hall, Water Orton Road

Monday to Saturday, I7-22 June 1985,

Wythall Dramatic Society.

"Low Comedy Woman" by Jack Boswell.

A play which teeters between absurdity and reality. It is a challenge to any group and when it succeeds it is an exciting piece of theatre. This group did succeed.

The lighting was good. Acting areas were well arranged. The props and furniture were right. Costume and make up were good except that Granny needed a caricature of age. 9/10

The movement and groupings were effective, but the farcical chasing at the end could have been quicker. The acting level had the right mix of nonsense and seriousness. Each episode requires a fresh approach and this was achieved. I particularly liked the T.V, episode.

The production was always under control.

The pace was excellent until the very end. Producer and cast understood what was required of them. 33/35


Harry Forty completely captured the spirit of the play and he held the audience through voice and movement technique.
Emma Forty had the drive needed to dominate the play. Very controlled and skillful playing.

Effie One Six Eight gave the play a lift as a later entrance. She maintained the pace set by Harry and Emma She was totally in command of the variety act.
Yvonne Yingt-et-une looked pretty and seductive and by her correct 36 approach gave a final lift to the team. 36/40


A very skillful and enjoyable performance. 14/15

Total Score: 92/100

Auditor H.T. Amies, Festival Review