Party Piece

Venue : Redditch Palace Theatre

Date : May 2002

Genre : Farce


Peter Round

Mike Beamish
Assistant Director


Roger Warren
Micheal Smethurst

Estelle Shutkever
Mrs Hinson

Joy Rodgers
Roma Smethurst

Ted Rodgers
David Hinson

Sue George
Jennifer Hinson

David Key
Toby Hancock

Elizabeth Round
Sandy LLoyd Meredith


Mick Linforth
Set Construction

John Nolan
Set Design

no profile image

Ken Wadhams
Set Construction

Ken Stonehall
Stage Manager

Denise Williams

Anna Ahmed

Val Archer

Val Archer

John Nolan
Set Construction

Abby Stonehall

Adam Lee

no profile image

Norman Nicholls
Set Construction

Karen Ashley


Mick Linforth
Set Construction

John Nolan
Set Design

Ken Wadhams
Set Construction

Ken Stonehall
Stage Manager

Denise Williams

Anna Ahmed

Val Archer

John Nolan
Set Construction

Abby Stonehall

Adam Lee

Norman Nicholls
Set Construction

Karen Ashley

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

Party Piece, Wythall

A summer’s evening on the patio, fine wine and a barbecue sounds idyllic, but that depends on who your neighbours are.

For the Smethursts, (Roger Warren and Joy Rodgers), settling into their new home didn't include plans for cantankerous but loveable neighbour Mrs Hinson (the dependable Estelle Shutkever) bustling about.

This humorous look at human nature aptly mirrors daily life. Arguments about car parking, schemes to put mother into a home, lumpy custard and neighbours spying through the hole in the fence are dangerously familiar.

Dedication and detail are Wythall's magic ingredients for which Richard Harris's script provided endless opportunities.

Excellent direction ensured all levels of the set were used and costumes and props were great fun too, as were facial expressions.

Superb characters, such as the saucy-but-nice Sandy (Liz Round) referring to men as gorgeous little pixies, as well as impeccable pace and timing, made this laugh-a-minute show an instant success.

Denise Collings, Local Paper

Party Piece

Wythall Theatre Company consistently prove themselves to be the gem in the amateur dramatic crown.

Although they will never top the gripping thriller Blood Money, they are historically good at and seem to favour comedies and farces.

This is no bad thing but it would be good to see their talents utilised in more diverse genres.

The company's latest show, a Richard Harris comedy, is set in the back gardens of Michael and Roma Smethurst and Mrs Hinton.

The action covers the preparation for the Smethurst's housewarming party and the party itself, which turns out to be a fancy dress party with a twist.

Roger Warren and Joy Rodgers who performed so superbly in Blood Money gave strong performances as the Smethursts.

Estelle Shutkever was in fantastic form as the indomitable Mrs Hinson and Ted Rodgers was very natural and convincing in his role as Mrs Hinson's son David.

M.C., Redditch Advertiser

Neighbourly Fallout

This frothy bit of nonsense by Richard Harris is set in two neighbouring back gardens, in one of which there is a housewarming barbecue and in the other a widow with a wilful mind of her own.

There were some first-night uncertainties, but the company generally does well. Joy Rodgers brings expressive squeaks to confront the collapse of her party plans, Liz Round turns up as a smoky voiced vamp and Ted Rodgers does well as the genial chump.

Sue Lister, as his wife, offers spirited resistance and Dave Key is the visitor ready to be vamped.

But the evening belongs to Estelle Shutkever, as the marauding matriarch who gives a stentorian bellow every time the telephone or doorbell rings, whether it is hers or next door's. A lovely comic, straight-faced performance.

John Slim, Birmingham Evening Mail

Farcical Comedy is a Party Piece

Farce at a fancy dress party unfolds in the next production from Wythall Theatre Company.

The group presents Richard Harris' fast-paced comedy Party Piece at the Palace Theatre, Redditch, from Wednesday to Saturday, May 22 to 25, where the stage is transformed into two back gardens of feuding neighbours.
It is the night of Michael and Roma's fancy dress house-warming party - with a twist.

Couples are asked to arrive as famous film stars with their roles reversed, so the men appear as girls and the women as their male counterparts!

Confused? You will be. The evening looks set to be a lively one until a string of hilarious disasters strike, including a distinct lack of guests, the fact the food for the barbecue is still frozen solid, Michael's shed catches fire, and a marauding Zimmer frame wreaks havoc on both sides of the garden fence!

Michael and Roma's patience is further tried by the arrival of their neighbour, the indomitable Mrs Hinson, who brings her own brand of party entertainment in the form of the domestic squabbles of her son and daughter-in-law.

Performances start at 7.30pm. Tickets at £6.50 (with concessions) and further information are available fro the box office

Unknown, The Redditch Standard