Farndale MacBeth

Venue : Woodrush High School

Date : October 1987

Genre : Murder Mystery


Ted Pedvin


Estelle Shutkever
Mrs Reece

Gerry Solomon
George Peach

Ted Rodgers

Joy Rodgers

Jack Parramore

Val Archer

Val Archer

Denise Williams
Miss Witherspoon


Mike Beamish
Stage Manager

Joy Rodgers

Val Archer

Val Archer


Mike Beamish
Stage Manager

Joy Rodgers

Val Archer

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

As part of the programme for Farndale MacBeth a special newsletter is produced. Read and enjoy!


A message from our President

A warm welcome, one and all, to our Dramatic Society's production of "Macbeth". As many of you already know, we have enjoyed great success over the years in various drama competitions and we have come very close to winning the much-coveted Dame Agatha Grout Rose Bowl.

Our long list of previous awards include:

Special effects Trophy - David Plummer for "Oh Calcutta" 1986
Best performance - Felicity Smith for "Back of Rackhams" 1985
Blue Circle Memorial Cup for interval catering - Eileen Dabney during "Rocky" 1984
Best Actress - Maude Hoskins (deceased) in "Blithe Spirit", 1955

This year we have gathered together a really talented cast, who have worked terribly hard during the last nine months to make this production into a certain winner.

David Plummer, our producer, has put his heart and soul into this production, drawing on the extensive experience he gained putting on the annual Nativity Plays at Farndale Avenue Play Group. He is convinced that, this year, we can go all the way.

Just in case some of you have not seen "Macbeth" before, I must warn you that parts of it are rather frightening and Macbeth's death at the end comes as a bit of a surprise - so please don't give the game away to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Have a wonderful evening!
Lavinia Biddy Reece (President)

Note to new members - Please don't call me "Lavvy", just call me "Biddy"

Social Committee Report

Our recent shopping trip to London proved to be most popular, with plenty of husbands coming along too. By the time we reached the West End we were ready for lunch and found a charming little Italian restaurant called the Pizza Hut. Some of the men didn't like the look of the sweet trolley and left with Mr. Hornsby, who said he knew where to find the best tarts in London. A delightful day was had by all and we look forward to our next event, which will be a trip to Rugby Sewage Plant. We are requested to bring our own wellingtons.

Mrs. Dabney's Cookery Tip

A sprinkling of flour will keep your dumplings firm and well-rounded.

WTC, Show Programme

Wizard Witches

There will be hubble bubble toile and trouble for four days at Woodrush High School as Wythall Theatre Group put on their latest production.

It is a comedy called, "The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's production of Macbeth."

The play was first produced at the fringe theatre of the Edinburgh festival and is all about an amateur production by the Farndale Actors.

Estelle Shutkever, secretary of the group, said: "The most difficult thing we have to cope with in the play are the costume and character changes.

Each of us is playing at least three parts and although we don't seem to have many lines I am certain we will make mistake.

Unknown, Unknown Publication, October 1987

Joke Wears Thin

In theory The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's production of Macbeth, to give the play its full and long winded name, appears a good idea.

A group of townswomen decide to put on Macbeth with disastrous consequences - performers forgetting lines, falling over and damaging props, being drowned out by thunder, acting in the dark when the lights go haywire and even facing the wrong way.

In practice the play is essentially one long joke that begins to wear thin over a period of about 90 minutes.

It must be pointed out that a substantial section of the audience chuckled heartily and appeared to enjoy themselves.

Even so I was still left wondering why such talented and experienced group of performers like Wythall should have chosen such a play in the first place.

Peter Swingler, Unknown Publication, October 1987

This Shakespeare as you've never seen before.

Lady Macbeth with a figure of a heavyweight boxer, on of the three witches hobbling around on crutches and the ghost pushed on stage perched on a wheelchair.

Wythall Theatre Group plunged themselves with relish into their latest production.

A strong cast gave a thoroughly bad performance, much to the delight of the audience which laughed its way from start to finish.

The Townswomen's Guild's handyman, Henry, played by Ted Rodgers, found himself thrust into the role of Lady Macbeth with hideous roughed cheeks and a brightly coloured dress covering his overalls.

The three witches' danced routine was and unexpected bonus, made all the funnier by the appearance of the producer on stage.

Compare for the evening was George Peach, played by Gerry Soloman, who after a nervous start soon got into the swing with some awful magic routines.

The personal greeting by cast members at the audience arrived a the play together with the offer of home made fudge set the scene for what was a very enjoyable and amusing evening.

Unknown, Unknown Publication, October 1987