Man of the Moment

Venue : Redditch Palace Theatre

Date : November 2001

Genre : Comedy


Joy Rodgers


Phil Knight
Vic Parks

Clare Rowland
Trudy Parkes

David Key
Kenny Collins

Adam Lee
Douglas Beechey

Anna Ahmed
Jill Rillington

Elizabeth Round
Sharon Giffin

Mike Beamish
Ashley Barnes

no profile image

Grace Troth
Cindy Parkes

no profile image

Christopher Round
Tim Parkes

Ken Stonehall
David and Crewman


Peter Round
Stage Manager

Ted Rodgers

Karen Ashley

Beryl Linforth

Audrey Parkes

Sue George
Line coach/understudy

Tony Goswell


Peter Round
Stage Manager

Ted Rodgers

Karen Ashley

Beryl Linforth

Audrey Parkes

Sue George
Line coach/understudy

Tony Goswell

Production Gallery

Production Reviews

Man of the Moment

A Spanish villa's sunny patio was where this comedy took place, a very convincing set too.

Jill Rillington (Anna Ahmed) took us straight into the story with her boundless energy, clear diction and expressive face.

Formers bank robber Vick Parks (Phil Knight) and the man who helped convict him, Douglas Beechey (Adam Lee), were brought together by scheming TV presenter Jill and their conflicting personalities soon gave spice to the plot.

The ever smiling Beechey epitomised the boring Mr Nice Guy Women never seem to like, however, it transpired that he wasn't quite so timid after all.

There was great characterisation from all the players, including Val Archer as Marta the maid, who had very little to do yet she did it beautifully, and many amusing scenes such as the unfortunate gardener drowning whilst everyone ignored his plight.

This long established and popular company's hard work with continuity and sound effects was evident, creating a very neat production.

Denise Collings, Unknown November 2001

Man of the Moment

The thing about Wythall Theatre Company is that they're not afraid to try something a big different.

WTC has a habit of putting on comedies, whether it's because members are good at them or they simply enjoy having a laugh, and Alan Ayckbourn's Man of the Moment was not different.

The major difference this time around was, believe it or not, filmed scenes of some of the characters in an outdoor swimming pool - which was projected onto the back of the stage.

Tough TV presenter Jill Rillington (Anna Ahmed) brings together ex-con Vic Parkes (Phil Knight) and timid bank clerk Douglas Beechey (Adam Lee) 14 years after Douglas's unexpected heroism put Vic behind bars and sparks are expected to fly....

Phil Knight, Adam Lee and Dave Key who played Vic's manager Kenny Collins, really got under the skin of their characters and as a result gave superb performances.

It was also refreshing to see some ingenuity with the pool scenes.

(*** out of *****)

Melina Cannon, Redditch Advertisor November 2001